Classical Mechanics


Stanford class with Leonard Susskind.


Example:  Simple pendulum



Kinetic energy:



Potential energy:


Potential energy is at a minimum when .


The Lagrangian is:


Angular momentum is:


The Euler-Lagrange equations are



 is constant, so the equations of motion are


Calculate the Hamiltonian

The Hamiltonian is the total energy.


Specifically, for the pendulum,





Example:  the double pendulum

The double pendulum has two “bob’s”, in this case “Bob” and “Herman”.


Kinetic energy of Bob:



Velocity of Herman:


Add the velocity of Herman with respect to Bob to get the velocity of Herman.


Kinetic energy of Herman:


Sum of the kinetic energies of Bob and Herman is:


The sum of the potential energies of Bob and Herman is:


The Lagrangian becomes:


No conserved quantity under the force of gravity.

Conserved quantities with no gravity

However, investigate  case (no gravity):


Noether symmetry






Total angular momentum should be conserved.


Calculate the equation of motion for .


Example:  simple harmonic motion



Substitute into the Lagrangian for simple harmonic motion, and drop the constant term.


Use the variable “x”. Consider a spring.

x=0 at equilibrium.

The potential energy is the work done against the spring from equilibrium.


“k” is the spring constant.

The force exerted by the spring is (Hooke’s Law):


The Lagrangian for simple harmonic motion is:



The Euler-Lagrange equations are (F=ma)









The Sine is also a solution. In general, the solution to this second order equation is:


A specific solution requires the initial position and velocity.


Another way of putting the solution


where  at .


Construct the Hamiltonian.




is conserved.


Consider the Hamiltonian formulation


Instead of  use . Solve for  in terms of .





Hamiltonian mechanics is symmetric between x and p.


Phase space




 is conserved.

Therefore, the shape of the trajectory in phase space is that of an ellipse.  is the square of the semi-major and minor axis.


What is the period of the orbit? It is the frequency . All the elliptical orbits are repeated with frequency .

Phase space is fundamental. An orbit in phase space is a contour of constant energy. Area in phase space is preserved in time. In quantum mechanics this is “unitarity” or conservation of probability.