Classical Mechanics


Stanford class with Leonard Susskind.


Hamiltonian mechanics


·      determines the evolution of a system

·      phase space states are indicated by points

·      trajectories could be closed cycles and multiple cycles

·      each cycle represents a conservation law


Cycles in phase space


Cycles don’t run into each other. This can be viewed as information conservation. No phase space points are gained or lost. Example



Hamilton’s Equations


N 2nd order equations imply 2N 1st order equations.

        N equations




so 2N first order equations with the variables . This is a Legendre transformation.


*  is a canonical momentum. Hamilton’s equations describe how a point moves in phase space.


Consider V (a velocity) and P (a momentum) which are single valued functions of each other. The graph looks like



 now construct


represent a small change as:



Suppose many V’s. 


 now construct

How we do mechanics with a Lagrangian.

Repetition, but in the language of Mechanics.



  from previous definitions

“q”, the coordinate goes along as a parameter – passive.






Take partials.


Given the Euler-Lagrange equation








Velocity is eliminated in favor of position and momentum.


Hamilton’s equations defines modern classical mechanics.


Recapitulate, an 2nd order set of equations can be put into Hamiltonian form.


Knowing  allows calculation of velocity in phase space.


Friction appears only when some coordinates are ignored. Can’t write a system with friction in Hamiltonian form.


Example of Hamiltonian methods.


Check Hamilton’s equations:


Hamilton’s equations establish the relation between velocity and momentum and gives the dynamics of the momentum.


Energy Conservation

Find the total time derivative of the Hamiltonian by using the chain rule.


Substitute Hamilton’s equations


The Hamiltonian is constant in time, and so conserved, as long as there is no explicit appearance of time in the Hamiltonian.


A trajectory in phase space stays on a surface o constant energy. The density of points in phase space doesn’t change, so that the phase points behave as an incompressible fluid.


Example:  Washboard potential



For large energies the motion is translational. For small energies, it is simple harmonic around a low point.


Assume all quantities are functions of P and q. Calculate the derivative of an arbitrary quantity A(P,q).




Define the Poisson bracket.




Check it.




If there is explicit appearance of time then