Classical Mechanics


Stanford class with Leonard Susskind.


We study Liouville’s theorem tonight. We’ll prove Liouville’s theorem from Hamilton’s equations. Liouville’s theorem can be thought of as information conservation.


The laws of mechanics are synonymous with a specification for state transition.


A flow through phase space doesn’t condense, it moves as an incompressible fluid. No divergence or convergence. Forbidden.

     Not allowed in Classical Mechanics


Ignored degrees of freedom, such as friction can result in multiple paths to the same final state. A point in phase space is  while it’s velocity is .

In one dimension incompressible motion implies a constant velocity.


Consider two dimensions.


The density of points must not change, so the number of points inside the rectangle must be constant.

Points per second leaving the four faces must sum to zero.


For a given wall:   gives the points per second with velocity crossing a wall with velocity . This can be written as


The quantity


gives the difference in horizontal output vs. input between the left and right walls.


Now do the same for the y-direction.


             vanishes for incompressible flow

then divide by


for incompressible flow.


Calculate divergence of phase space velocity field according to Hamilton’s equations.


so that the sum is zero for incompressible fluids!


Liouville’s theorem

No conservation of distance, only area.

Example (one dimensions):

            , then

Consider coordinate transformations. (Should use x rather than y).






The product is constant


Plank’s constant represents area in phase space. Canonical transformations, we’ll discuss later. The area of phase space has the units of ??. Area has an invariant meaning.

chaotic systems

coarse graining, means area increases with time.

finite precision in an experiment implies coarse graining.

implies 2nd law of Thermodynamics.

Volume of phase space is a measure of Entropy.

            Entropy = log Volume


Velocity dependent forces:  magnetic fields


*         is the magnetic field.

            force on a charge  due to magnetic field.  is the velocity.





Need a vector potential in order to write a Lagrangian or Hamiltonian.



This is the magnetic force equivalent to .



We want to discover the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian


The units for the Action integral are momentum * x or energy * time.








Take this Lagrangian to prove


The canonical momentum is:


or, in index notation,


The portion of the canonical momentum equal to  is sometimes called “mechanical” momentum.







Substitute on the left.







The Hamiltonian is


for any Lagrangian. Investigate the Lagrangian:


Need momenta, not velocity, in Hamilton’s equations.


Substitute for


Substitute into the Hamiltonian.


There is no , therefore the magnetic field does no work.


Solve for  in momentum




Use this expression for the Hamilton’s equations.

*  is the canonical momentum.


Exercise:  verify  using Hamilton’s equations.