Classical Mechanics


Stanford class with Leonard Susskind.


Introductory discussion:


Conservation of area in phase space

            points move but are conserved

            implies information conservation

Hamilton’s equations show that volume is conserved. We proved this:  Liouville’s Theorem.


Motion in an Electric Field

            e.g. Hall Effect


Equation of motion:  2nd order differential equation

Principle of Least Action underlies Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods


Hamiltonian:  flow in phase space

            Liouville’s theorem

Electromagnetic equation of motion:


Magnetic force is perpendicular to velocity, so that it does no work.

Define vector potential:

             implies  (no magnetic charge)


             (electric charge)

Any field with zero divergence can be written as the curl of a vector field.


Define:           where  is a scalar potential (voltage)


The force remains  where the potential energy is .

It can be proven that a Least Action formulation requires the vector potential.


Equation of motion in an electromagnetic field


Principle of Least Action for the electromagnetic field




It appears as if  is the “time” component of a 4-potential. Write the vector potential term as






so that in general, the Lagrangian for motion in an electromagnetic field is:


Gauge invariance


Note that the curl of  is unchanged with the addition of a term



Therefore, curl free.

Extract the equation of motion from the Lagrangian


* is the canonical momentum and is not gauge invariant. The equation of motion is:


The left hand side is:


Assume no explicit dependency on the time .


Now the right side is


Several terms cancel.




Example:  constant

Investigate 3 gauges:


In general, the Lagrangian for motion in an electromagnetic field is:


The Lagrangian for the example in one of the gauges is:




The Lagrangian is invariant under  because only the derivative of  enters.  is conserved.

             (if )

In a different gauge.


which is invariant under . Therefore


             (if )

Therefore, together,


Notice that the two different gauges can be used simultaneously!


The solution will look like



Two different gauges are used.



Two gauges:



Substitute, then note that  and  are conserved.  xxxx




Therefore the center of the circle does not move.

Example:  Add an electric field acting in the x-direction.





Investigate particular solutions where .

Then  and  which is the Hall Effect.

This is similar math for a gyroscope.


Homework problem:

work out Hamiltonian for a charged particle.

Work out our example for Hall Effect in Hamiltonian formulation


Poisson Brackets:

Consider the Poisson bracket of an arbitrary function of position and momentum .


How does  vary in time along a trajectory. Assume  has no explicit time dependence.



Poisson brackets are defined as




Example:  if  is constant, then  and A commutes with H.


Hamilton’s equations are a consequence of this formulation.



and similarly .

Axiomatic structure of Poisson Brackets





Investigate  or  (the Kronecker delta)

Symplectic structure:  swap q and P




In general,


Need more axioms to systematize Poisson Brackets.



Need one more axiom concerning products.


Use Leibnitz product rule for the derivative.





These axioms are sufficient to calculate any Poisson bracket that is a polynomial function, and it can be extended to non-polynomial functions.


These axioms form a completely determined system.


Heisenberg and Dirac used Poisson brackets in quantum mechanics.